
Matteo Nardini

aka Shalen

I'll be right back, I'm just thinging things.

About me

Hi! I am Matteo Nardini, I am an Italian software developer and this is my personal homepage. My main interests are software engineering, computer graphics (augmented reality in particular) and IT security.

You can find me on the Internet:

Some of the stuff I have done:

HoloAssist: Integrating an augmented reality headset in a flight simulator

My master thesis. It presents a platform that allows to integrate the Microsoft Hololens into any fixed-platform flight simulator and to show augmentations placed at precise geographical locations.

Docker as a service on a blockchain

My bachelor thesis. It is about developing a decentralized marked for computation on a blockchain. Spoiler alert, it didn't work.


The small robot we designed as part of the Micromouse: Building an educational robot from scratch practical course during my master. Developed with Philipp Hagenlocher, Hendrik Möller, Congnan Wang.

Digit recognizer

A hand-written digit recognizer. My "Hello world!" to Rust, Deep Learning and Web Assembly.

Sometimes I like to write something, feel free to take a look ( ):

How to crash a ground station

The postmortem of that funny time in which I crashed a satellite ground station. It's weirder than you may expect.

GNSS and time

How to convert a UNIX time point to GPS time point? The answer is surprisingly easy, being sure it is correct is not.